Monday, May 24, 2010

ahhhh...summer nights

it seemed to change to summer in a matter of a day and it's exciting to start smelling, hearing, and seeing everything i love about spring and summer....

the smell of mud....fresh cut
the sound of birds waking me up....cicadas at night....
late night shoulders and noses....running barefoot in the grass....
riding with the window down and the music loud....
baseball....bags....grilling....bonfires....summer nights....

and the best thing of all? finishing that last day of school....matt's is next week wednesday and mine is june 11 - almost there!

this weekend i got to go up to michigan with my mom to play in a volleyball tournament and visit family. mom and i got a little more quality time in the car than we planned on, after crawling along I-80 around two different 5 car accidents within 1/4 mile of each other. oh, chicago never seem to disappoint.

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