Monday, June 14, 2010

2 years!

it's hard to believe that our wedding was 2 years ago already! a lot has happened since then.....we've lived in 2 different states, 3 different apartments, i've had 2 different jobs (well, major jobs - i'm not counting dog walking and all those crazy part time ones i had when we first moved here!), and all in all we've had 2 wonderful years together. i thought i'd be fun to relive that day with a few pictures....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

garage sales

i'm a big fan of garage sales, especially when neighborhoods have them together so you can avoid the drive five blocks, park the car, drive five blocks, park the car routine. matt and i made our first garage sale sweep of the summer this weekend. matt found a vhs he uses every fall for class, but otherwise we just enjoyed the adventure of hunting for a good deal. and you never know what you are going to see along the way....

like multiples of the same things - lotions, tshirts, jewelry, and brownie mixes....yes, brownie mixes. for a little while i thought this couple was running a mini convenience store right out of their garage.

it's just the beginning of the summer....who knows what we will find on weekends to come!